Tips for Choosing the Best Scaffold System



There are various types of scaffolding systems to choose from when planning to buy or rent scaffolds. Scaffolding systems are designed and constructed in diverse configurations for specific tasks, buildings or structures, working conditions and budgets. Some of the most common scaffold systems include, frame scaffold system, suspended scaffold system, tower scaffold system, tubular scaffolds, mobile scaffold system among others.

All these scaffold systems can offer ideal platforms for workers when operating on heights or areas that are not easily accessible by other structures. However, it should be noted that not all can work best in every project, which means you should know how to choose the most suitable one. The best way to get help with choosing scaffolding systems is through a scaffolding expert but, you may not always have the time for that. To cut the chase, the following are some of the most important points to consider when choosing types of scaffolding systems;

Condition of the work site

The ground where the scaffold will be erected should always be first inspected to help you know the right type of scaffold that can work in that condition.  For example, if you are working on a site with unstable soils like, clay and sand, it is advisable to consider a working platform. However, work sites with concrete floors are best suited for mobile scaffolds.

Although scaffolds can be set up with enhanced supports for stability, it is still important to find the right system that can work on those grounds. Choosing the best type of scaffold for your site will ensure efficient operations and also safety throughout the project.

Characteristics of the building or structure

Your work could be much easier and enjoyable if you also know the various uses of scaffolds. There are some buildings or structures that can only be worked on using specific scaffolds. Thus, you should also take time to study the architecture or design of the work station in order to know the most appropriate scaffold system to go for.

For instance, if you want to work on the ceiling or conduct activities that require constant movements like painting, mobile scaffolds are the best systems to choose. On the other hand, working on hidden areas with limited accessibility space require suspended scaffolds. Besides, tower scaffolds are recommended for working in high rise buildings.

However, it should also be noted that there are some types of scaffold systems that can be adapted to the characteristics of buildings.

Loading Capacity

Scaffolds have varied loading capacities that you should also take note of when choosing scaffolding systems. Loading capacity mainly refers to the maximum weight that a scaffold can hold while in use. There are scaffolds for low, medium and high weight capacities, and the best will depend on the kind of job to be done, number of workers, materials to be used among other elements. Remember using a scaffold with a lower loading capacity for heavy duty activities could impact the failure of structure, resulting into accidents and huge losses.

In order to get information about the loading capacity of various scaffolding systems, you should look at the manufacturer’s manual or specifications of the product. However, you can also rely on the scaffolding supplier for adequate information about the product. In case you have a manager for your project, he or she can also assist in determining a scaffold system with the loading capacity to match the expected construction works.


The cost of scaffolding usually varies from one system to another, and this means you should do a little comparison before settling on one. Supported scaffold systems are considered a cheaper option because, they can be used over a longer period of time without losing their effectiveness. Although adjustable scaffolds are relatively expensive, they could also be a cheaper alternative if you have many projects to work on. Suspended scaffold systems on the other hand, are more costly since they are customized for specific tasks.

You can take some time to compare the prices of various kinds of scaffold systems but, do not be so focused on the costs that you forget to check the specifications of the scaffolds. Remember, the best scaffold system is not always the most expensive or cheapest but, one that can ensure your job is done efficiently within the set budget.

Condition of the weather

Although scaffolds are generally designed for both outdoor and indoor construction, repairs and maintenance activities, there are some systems that could be negatively impacted by change in weather. For example, steel scaffolding can develop rust when used in work sites that experience frequent rainfall while aluminum can withstand such conditions. In order to avoid inconvenience, choose steel scaffolding systems. By consulting a scaffolding expert, you will be able to know the best scaffolding system for every weather.

Rely on a good Scaffolding company

The tips discussed above can be quite helpful when choosing scaffold systems. But, they may not be enough to enable you make an informed decision. A good scaffolding company will not only offer you proper guidance in choosing the systems but also superior quality and affordable scaffolding products and services. In this way, you can be sure of the best scaffolding solutions for your project.

A professional scaffolding company has trained engineers with many years’ experience to assist in making the right choice for a scaffold system. By relying on a licensed scaffolding company, you will be able to easily get adequate information about various scaffolding systems, including their uses, benefits, prices among other aspects.  The goal is to ensure that you have a better understanding of what to expect with every scaffolding system.

Apart from the factors outlined above, there are other considerations that you should also look into when choosing a scaffold system like, the scaffolding materials, accessories, duration of the project among others.

Generally, the best choice for a scaffold system should be influenced by your specific scaffolding needs and budget. At Singapore Scaffolding, we can offer you the best assistance in obtaining a customized scaffold system, which perfectly suits your budget and job.


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